Bank Information: Pink Ladies Cheer / IBAN: CH93 0070 0114 8041 4141 1 

ZKB, 8010 Zürich / Bank-Clearing-Nr. 700 / SWIFT: ZKBKCHZZ80A

Costs per Season

Pink Ladies 
(Seniors from 18 years)

Sept-Dez: CHF 405.-
Jan-Jul: CHF 505.- 

Pink Princesses
Pink Diamonds (Youth & Juniors, 12-17 years)

Sept-Dez: CHF 325.-
Jan-Jul: CHF 425.-

Pink Tweeties 
(Peewees, 8-12 years)

Sept-Dez: CHF 285.-
Jan-Jul: CHF 385.- 

QR-Code Payment Invoice

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